DIVING INTO HISTORY: Läänemere allveearheoloogia ja sukeldumisturism

Projekt BALTACAR on lõppemas ja tähistame seda mereajaooteemalise lõpukonverentsiga 22.08.2019 Saaremaal, TalTech Eesti Mereakadeemia Meremajanduse Keskuses Kuressaares (Tallinna tn 19). Sukeldujad, merearheoloogid ja ajaloohuvilised on teretulnud! Konverents kestab kell 9-18.30. Eelregistreerimine vajalik. Konverents toimub inglise keeles.


Daniel Zwick “King Valdemar’s Itinerary revisited: The historical context and archaeological potential of a 13th-century route
description from Utlängan to Tallinn”
Niklas Eriksson “A New View of the ‘Edesö Wreck’: identifying the Swedish naval vessel Bodekull, built 1659–1661 and sunk 1678 from
written sources.”
Riikka Alvik “17th century seafarers in the waters of Hanko: the Mulan wreck and the Cable wreck”
Kersti Lust “How did manorial lords benefit from the shipwrecks?”

Arto Oll “The activities of the British squadron in the Baltic Sea 1918-1919.”
Immi Wallin “Soviet evacuation of Tallinn in 1941 – the forgotten tragedy.”
Jim Hansson “Documenting in 3D under water”
Hanna Halonen & Päivi Pihlanjärvi “Hanko underwater park – Before, during (and after) the Baltacar.”

Pernilla Flyg “Dalarö Underwater Culture Reserve – from dive ban to dive park.”
Krister Jonsson “Customers going down, business going up.”
Dominik Lee Zaax Wyszogrodzki “All hands on the deck – Scuba and travel marketing workshop.”
Tanel Saimre “Results archieved, lessons learned: concluding project Baltacar.”

Kontakt: Tanel Saimre, [email protected]